Wednesday, May 27, 2020

What is Present Life Progression Therapy

Everyone wants a successful life and without any problems. Is something is
holding you back? If your answer is yes, then regression therapy can come to your
aid. Regression therapy is not a new concept, it is an alternative approach that
uses hypnotic sessions.
                                       Present Life Progression Therapy And Its Benefits
As per medical professionals, there is a connection between the human body and
mind. Mental stress can reduce the physical potential of everyone. On the other
hand, physical strain paves the path for mental unrest. Therefore, each person
must take the necessary measures to maintain the equilibrium between the mind
and the body.

Regression and Progression Therapies

Many people assume that medicines can cure mental ailments. As per mental
experts’ therapy and counseling also plays an important role. Competent physiatrists use hypnosis during their therapy sessions. Is helps both
                                Present life progression img
the patients and doctors. During the session, the therapist can tap into the
subconscious mind of the patient. During the hypnosis session, the patient can
recollect such memories.

Angels healing sessions can unblock and eliminate traumatic memories.

Past life experiences can impact the patients both present and future. Both
Regression and progression therapies can restore mental balance. Proper
selection and implementation of therapy can improve your life.

About present life Progression treatment

Brain development starts when the baby is in the mother’s womb. The human
brain can recall memories when necessary. Some memories remain in the
subconscious part of the brain. S per metal health experts one should not
suppress such memories. The patient can accomplish this with present life
progression therapy.

Benefits of Present life progression therapy
Detect present emotional issues

Control the body

Realize the challengesDiscover befitting solutions

Develop relationships

Remove negative thoughts

Let go of the past

Learn from experiences

Eliminate stress and depression

Gain inner peace

Are you suffering from mental trauma? Do you want your treatment without
medicines? If your answer is yes, then you need to converse with specialists of
Angels Heal U. You can also opt for other alternatives cleansing therapies.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Different Types Of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Do you think why your friend keeps on insisting you go for the spiritual counseling session? Nowadays healing is required by everyone. Healing is a way to strike the perfect balance in the energies between the soul, mind, and body. To find the best spiritual healer in town, you must check out the services of

Moreover, healing methods help the patients to treat physical ailments without any harmful side effects.

About Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing is the way to find the perfect connection between the universe and the existence of oneself. Although, it sounds complicated, it is actually not. We all need to understand our relationship with this world and the universe over time.

What are the types of Spiritual Healing?
There are different kinds of spiritual healing available in the market. A person needs to be very careful in selecting these as they have a direct impact on the balance between soul, mind, and body.
Here are some of the primary forms of spiritual healing processes that are available in the market:
Magnetic Healing
Pranic Healing
Reiki Healing
Crystal Healing

What is the Emotional Freedom Technique In Healing?
Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is treated as one of the revolutionary treatment technique that provides both physical and emotional healing.

According to the founder of this technique, Gary Craig, believes that EFT method can utilize almost anywhere and at any time. He believes that the main cause behind all the health conditions of the body lies in the circle of the energies that are present around us.

How does EFT Work?
The healer uses particular techniques to release the blockages that are present in the patient’s body. As and when the blockages are released, the causes of the health problems are also removed. This helps the person to feel more positive about him and also increases the positive energy in the body.

To find the best healer at affordable prices, make sure to check the website of

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What Is Chakra Balancing? How Healing Experts Cleanse And Balance Chakras

Are you are the one who wants to improve your life? Do you want both mental and physical fitness? Many people think that pharmaceutical pills maintain health. However, we have a better, safer, side-effect free alternative for you. In western nations, there is a high demand for proficient yoga experts. Yoga is a prehistoric treatment technique. Yoga paves the path for both mental and physical health.

Chakra Healing is also a part of  Yoga. Chakra healing techniques can eliminate both mental and physical diseases. Moreover, it increases the natural immune power. It can also prevent germ attacks on the body.

About the different Chakras

There are seven chakras in our body. The position of each chakra is in the spinal cord. “Chakra” is the Sanskrit work it means wheel.
Here is the list of Seven Chakras present in the human body:
·        Sahasrara or Crown Chakra
·        Ajna or Third Eye Chakra
·        Vishuddha or throat Chakra
·        Anahata or Heart Chakra
·        Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra
·        Svadhishthana or Sacral Chakra
·        Muladhara or Root Chakra

Chakra Balance and Its Benefits

Like Yoga, Ayurveda also depends on the concept of the seven chakras. As per Yoga and Ayurveda experts health of an individual depends on seven chakras.

Perks of Chakra Balancing Sessions

As per Reiki experts, Chakra Balancing can cure and prevent physical ailments. Moreover, it also puts a stopper on the mental disorientation.

Here are some of the important advantages of chakra balancing:
  • Better energy flow
  • Prevents negative emotions
  • Prevent mental blockages
  • Develop spiritual consciousness
  • Compassion towards others
  • Attain future goals

Do you lack internal energy? The reason behind this may be chakra imbalance. At Angels Heal U, we offer comprehensive guidance to our clients. 

Friday, April 17, 2020

What is Present Life Progression Therapy and what are its benefits?

Everyone wants a successful life and without any problems. Is something is holding you back? If your answer is yes, then regression therapy can come to your aid. Regression therapy is not a new concept, it is an alternative approach that uses hypnotic sessions.

As per medical professionals, there is a connection between the human body and mind. Mental stress can reduce the physical potential of everyone. On the other hand, physical strain paves the path for mental unrest. Therefore, each person must take the necessary measures to maintain the equilibrium between the mind and the body.

Regression and Progression Therapies
Many people assume that medicines can cure mental ailments. As per mental experts’ therapy and counseling also plays an important role.
Competent physiatrists use hypnosis during their therapy sessions. Is helps both the patients and doctors. During the session, the therapist can tap into the subconscious mind of the patient. During the hypnosis session, the patient can recollect such memories.
Angels healing sessions can unblock and eliminate traumatic memories.
Past life experiences can impact the patients both present and future. Both Regression and progression therapies can restore mental balance. Proper selection and implementation of therapy can improve your life.

About present life Progression treatment
Brain development starts when the baby is in the mother’s womb. The human brain can recall memories when necessary. Some memories remain in the subconscious part of the brain. S per metal health experts one should not suppress such memories. The patient can accomplish this with present life progression therapy.

Benefits of Present life progression therapy
Detect present emotional issues
Control the body
Realize the challenges
Discover befitting solutions
Develop relationships
Remove negative thoughts
Let go of the past
Learn from experiences
Eliminate stress and depression
Gain inner peace

Are you suffering from mental trauma? Do you want your treatment without medicines? If your answer is yes, then you need to converse with specialists of Angels Heal U. You can also opt for other alternatives cleansing therapies.